ঢাকা ১০ই অক্টোবর ২০২৪ খ্রিস্টাব্দ, ২৫শে আশ্বিন ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ, ৭ই রবিউস সানি ১৪৪৬ হিজরি

Excellence of Thought In Human Life

প্রকাশিত মে ১৮, ২০২৩, ০২:১৫ অপরাহ্ণ
Excellence of Thought In Human Life


Mirza Nilufar Jahan

If people could understand when making a mistake, then no one in the world would have made a mistake. After suffering, they can understand, then is their short-sightedness responsible for any mistake of a person?
Not everyone has the intelligence to think far-sighted, moreover, personal life experience is important. How will people gain experience if they don’t fall into the situation? In this case, books can play an important role in enriching people’s thoughts. That is why reading books is necessary in people’s lives. An author writes about experience, observation and possible solution of problems, with caution, which works as a helper in human life, brings excellence of thought. In human life, there will be some sorrow, disappointment, hardship, in this period, the expansion of thought keeps people sober. People make mistakes because they don’t know, some beliefs about their surroundings make them make mistakes. But everything in the world is relative, so a person’s decision based only on a surrounding condition may be wrong later, for example, if a woman saw some negative aspects of some men around her, do all men have that negative aspect?
Similarly, what man has seen the negative aspects of some women around him, so all women are the same? So you need to know more before forming a fixed idea about something.

People’s thoughts are mostly centered around their surroundings, that’s why differences in views are observed from person to person due to differences in culture. Just like how we see or want to lead our lives, people from different cultures think about life in relation to their surroundings and want to lead accordingly. What we think is right from our point of view is sometimes wrong from their point of view. What we think of as a sin, they sometimes think of as a necessity of life. So our mistakes are subject to surrounding conditions.
As in our social system, good results and good jobs are considered as the criteria of success, so are the rest of the people unsuccessful? I think that those who have the ability to give something to the human race are successful. The excellence of a man’s thought, humanity enriches him.
A person’s attitude depends on which social system he is in.

Before taking any decision in life, think about its negative aspects. That is, how much are you ready to accept if the future is not as you imagine? Or is there an alternative way? If his plans are not implemented or the results are not as desired by man, then he thinks that his decision was wrong, sometimes he regrets it. Any human success does not depend only on his single effort or desire, the role of many people related to it is important, if one of them is not in the right role, what do you have to do? So others are also responsible for your failure. If you trust someone, he may not respect your trust.
No one is forced to behave or act like you. People do not know what obstacles are waiting for them on their way and how capable they are to overcome them? So people’s plans are sometimes not implemented.

People themselves must have some foresight. It is important to act with conscience rather than emotions. Emotions mean that there is more intensity of feelings, feelings change color with time, so it is reasonable to make decisions in terms of reality. Decisions have to be made on various issues in life, otherwise how will people be dynamic? Time knows best which decisions in life are wrong and which are right. It is important to have integrity and honesty in any work. Don’t regret mistakes at work, but learn from them and make new decisions.

সংবাদটি শেয়ার করুন

October 2024