Valda Fogaca and her poems

প্রকাশিত: ১০:৩৭ পূর্বাহ্ণ, এপ্রিল ২৪, ২০২৪

Valda Fogaca and her poems


I long to intertwine in your embrace,
Rest my head upon your chest’s grace.
Ask the moon if it has the right,
To spy on my weariness in the night.

It’s spring, a moonlit night’s delight,
Oh, how I wish to be the wind’s flight,
Here, there, everywhere I’d roam,
Capturing the essence of your inner dome.

The moon brings me nostalgic sighs,
Carries me far from where my essence lies.
In the shelter of your body, I seek asylum,
My exile, where emotions gently beguile.


I doubt you love her when thoughts of us arise!
Who touched my heart on moonlit nights?
This is the sadness you don’t know…
My tears aren’t like those of other hearts.
Like a sea attacking with waves of moans…
Frigates are sinking, dancing on mad waves.
And a hidden sorrow shines in the sky…
How to travel with our love in the illusion of a child
Longing for the tenderness of lovers?
How could you hurt me while our love
Is still growing in the womb of time like a fetus?
Ah! I doubt God allows you to worship her as a saint at the altar.
Who left my heart broken on that sad night?
I’m in you like the moon that doesn’t wish.
Don’t wish for the light of vigilant eyes…
My love, I lived asleep,
And my heart is still nostalgic, in mourning.
(Valda Fogaça)

Brasília, Federal District, Brazil. For Valda Fogaça, literature is not just an individual expression, but an active collaboration in the cultural scene.

Her  column in Stattus magazine, contributions to postcards such as Recanto das Letras and Uol Pensador, in addition to coordinating the literary project “Literatura em Foco – Autores sem Fronteiras,” demonstrate his commitment to cultural exchange and the promotion of literature. Honors and Recognition: Valda’s career is marked by numerous honorary titles, including Dr. H.c. and Cultural Personality 2017. The title of Ambassador for Peace and the Environment reflects her commitment not only to letters, but also to fundamental values ​​for global well-being. Lasting Legacy: With a life dedicated to literature, poetry and music, Valda Fogaça built a legacy that transcends generations. Her poetry resonates globally, promoting intercultural dialogue and inspiring new generations of readers and artists. Her multifaceted impact on Brazilian culture and beyond positions her as a unique figure in the contemporary literary landscape. Songs written and performed: Por Favor não Vá (chote), Minhas Memonças (settaneijo de roots), Não Vai me não me (forró), Under the light of the moon (ballad), Doce Ilusão (bolero). Books authored: The Soul Winners _ saints do not live by liturgies alone, and(The Soul Winners 2) The Summons of the Chosen, The Soul Winners 3 (The Ghosts of Square 15) and The Kiss of Death _ marked by destiny . Others unpublished.