আজ শুক্রবার, ২৪শে জানুয়ারি, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ, ১০ই মাঘ, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ

 Public Private Partnership Meeting (PPPM) of Transforming Lives Through Nutrition Project  was held

প্রকাশিত জানুয়ারি ১১, ২০২৫, ০৩:৩২ পূর্বাহ্ণ
 Public Private Partnership Meeting (PPPM) of Transforming Lives Through Nutrition Project  was held

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Swapan Kumar Singh:

InternationalDevelopment Enterprise (iDE Bangladesh) Transforming Lives Through Nutrition project under the chairmanship of Mohammad Robin Mia, Upazila Nirbahi Officer, at the Chunarughat Upazila meeting room of Habiganj district today, Thursday 9th January.
Information meeting was held. In the said meeting
Md Sajib Hossain Agriculture Extension Officer Chunarughat, kbd Anowerul Islam Upazila Livestock officer, Md Afzalur Rahman Upazila Social Service Officer,
Naznin Sultana Upazila Education officer,
Md Mohitur Rahman Noman Chairman Deowergas UP, Md Anisur Rahman Brac,
Project field team leader Shah Mamunul Ahad, along with other government department officials, development aid agency representatives, various private sector representatives, journalists, local government representatives and iDE Bangladesh district level officials were present. At this time, the Upazila Nirbahi Officer and the related parties have been informed about the project.
The Upazila Nirbahi Officer wished the success of the project and called for coordination with all departments and delivery of services to the real beneficiaries.